April 2017. Seven members of the Art Group spent a weekend at the NFWI Denman College. The title of their course was 'Watercolours and Mixed Media'.
At the May Meeting Members celebrated the 94th birthday of the Institute with a cheese and wine supper and entertainment by Ann and Norman Stagles. The cake, made by Jackie Chater and iced by Rosemary Lander's daughter, was cut by new President Margaret Boswell
On 24th May, one hundred women challenged themselves to a zip surf across Bournemouth beach to celebrate the centenary of the Dorset Federation of Women’s Institutes.
Among the hundred were Do Ranson and Kate Verkooijen, members of Wyke Regis W.I. Pictures show the tower they ascended, the slide in progress and the pair showing their certificates.
Well done Do and Kate. We are very proud of your achievement.
Among the hundred were Do Ranson and Kate Verkooijen, members of Wyke Regis W.I. Pictures show the tower they ascended, the slide in progress and the pair showing their certificates.
Well done Do and Kate. We are very proud of your achievement.